Check out Luminor Bank Terms & Conditions of Service

Fee Information Document and Glossary of Terms

Here private clients can find the Fee Information Document their are interested in and the Glossary of Terms used in this document:
Fee Information Document – Minimal Fee
Fee Information Document – Luminor Debit Banking Package
Fee Information Document – Black Banking Package
Fee Information Document – Basic Payment Account Service
Glossary of Terms

Bank Guarantees

​ Rules on Issuance of Guarantees
​ Application to Set a Limit
​ Application to Issue a Guarantee
​ Application to Amend the Guarantee

Documents submitted to the Bank may be signed with a qualified electronic signature that is compliant with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC. The Bank at its choice may refuse to accept the qualified electronic signatures offered by certain qualified trust service providers and for the validation of a qualified electronic signature to choose a qualified trust service provider acceptable to the Bank.
The Bank signs and verifies electronic documents on the Dokobit platform provided by UAB Dokobit, company code 301549834.

Consumer Loan
Credit cards travel insurance

Travel insurance terms and conditions, valid from 2024 01 01
Luminor Black, VISA Gold
VISA Classic
VISA Business
VISA Infinite

Memos, in Lithuanian
 Travel Insurance Memo

Broken Bones Insurance terms and conditions
 Broken Bones Insurance terms and conditions, valid from 2024 01 01:

Now every accident inside territory of Ukraine would be treated as not insurable.
At present, due to the declared war in Ukraine insurance coverage not valid in Ukraine territory. In all other territories insurance cover is valid under the terms of the insurance contract.
If you have an insurable accident abroad, please immediately inform our Travel assistance partner UAB OPS International by phone +370 5 203 0055 or (in case of medical expenses coverage). Otherwise, right upon return to your permanent place of residence contact Compensa Vienna Insurance Group by phone 19111 or +370 5 249 1911 (calls from abroad), fill notification form at

The submitted complaints are considered in accordance with the regulations of the ADB „Compensa Vienna Insurance Group" Lithuania (in Lithuanian).

Internet bank

Information is being updated.

Luminor E-Commerce Gateway

 E-Commerce Gateway Service Terms, effective from 2020 04 14

Payment Cards

In Lithuanian:
Credit limit – VISA
Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Luminor Black Payment Card Account to Private Individuals, effective from 2021 05 05
​ Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Payment Card Account to Private Individuals, effective from 2020 01 13
​ Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Payment Card Account to Private Individuals (B), effective from 2020 06 27 applies to credit limits transferred from a Mastercard credit card to VISA

​ Home technical services rules and price list (as of 2021 09 01 Technical home and roadside assistance service is no longer provided)

Life Insurance

​ ERGO life insurance general terms and conditions Nr. 028, in Lithuanian, effective from 2023 06 01

Home Insurance

 Insurance product information document – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective from 2023 01 01

In Lithuanian:

 Insurance product information document – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective until 2022 12 31
 Memo for Home Insurance – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective from 2023 01 01
 Memo for Home Insurance – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective until 2022 12 31
​ Home Insurance Rules – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective from 2023 01 01
​ Home Insurance Rules – insurer AB Lietuvos draudimas, effective from 2016 08 15 till 2022 12 31
​ Home Insurance Rules – insurer IF, effective from 2017 10 01

Loan Payment Insurance

 Loan Payment Insurance product information document, effective from 2023 05 09
 Insurance Agent Information Document, effective from 2023 05 09, in Lithuanian
 Loan Payment Insurance Terms and Conditions No. 068L, effective from 2023 05 09

 Loan Payment Insurance product information document effective from 2021 05 11 till 2023 05 08, in Lithuanian
 Loan Payment Insurance Terms and Conditions No. 068L effective from 2021 05 11 till 2023 05 08

 Loan Payment Insurance product information document effective till 2021 05 10, in Lithuanian
 Loan Payment Insurance Terms and Conditions No. 068L effective till 2021 05 10

Purchase Insurance
Safety+ Service

 Safety+ service rules, effective from 2022 06 01 


Luminor archive

​ Bylaws of Luminor Bank AB, effective from 2017 10 01 to 2017 11 08, in Lithuanian

Payment Service Rules
Effective from 2021 10 01 to 2022 10 31
Effective from 2020 09 01 to 2021 09 30
Effective from 2020 04 09 to 2020 08 31
Effective from 2020 02 10 to 2020 04 08
Effective from 2019 07 02 to 2020 02 09
Effective from 2018 11 06 to 2019 07 01
 Effective from 2018 08 01 to 2018 11 05

General Business Terms
 Luminor General Business Terms, effective till 2024 02 29
 Effective from 2019 01 02 until 2020 08 31

Banking packages
Luminor terms and conditions of business packages for corporate customers, effective from 2018 02 01 to 2018 07 31

Luminor Group Privacy Policy
​ Effective from 2018 05 25 to 2019 01 01

Corporate social responsibility in Luminor
Corporate social responsibility in Luminor​ effective until 2021 12 20

Consumer loan
 Rules on Consumer Loan Granting, effective from 2021 11 23 to 2022 09 29, in Lithuanian
​ Rules on Consumer Loan Granting, effective from 2019 02 01 to 2021 11 21, in Lithuanian
​ Rules on Consumer Loan Granting, effective from 2018 02 01 to 2019 01 31, in Lithuanian

Credit cards travel insurance
Effective till 023 12 31
Luminor Black, VISA Gold
VISA Classic
VISA Business
VISA Infinite

Effective till 2021 09 30
 Luminor Black, VISA Gold
 VISA Classic
 VISA Business
 VISA Infinite

Effective till the 2020 11 30. Claims about the occurrence of the insured event till 2020 11 30 in the foreign country could be submitted to ERGO till 2020 12 31:
Luminor Black, VISA Gold and Mastercard Gold
VISA Classic and Mastercard Credit/PINS
Mastercard Platinum
VISA Business and Mastercard Business
VISA Infinite

Travel insurance terms and conditions, which came into force for Visa cards from 2018 10 01 and for Mastercard cards from 2019 01 01 and were effective until 2019 07 31
VISA Classic and Mastercard Credit/PINS
VISA Gold and Mastercard Gold
Mastercard Platinum
VISA Business and Mastercard Business

Personal accident insurance

​ Description of Personal Accident Insurance in brief, valid until 2024 06 15
 Personal Accident Insurance Information Document, valid until 2024 06 15
 Special Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance for Luminor Account Holders, valid until 2024 06 15
 General Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance, valid until 2024 06 15
 Personal Accident Insurance Information Document, valid until 2022 03 14
 Personal Accident Insurance Information Document, valid until 2022 02 28
 Personal Accident Insurance Information Document, valid until 2020 11 23
 Special Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance for Luminor Account Holders, valid from 2020 09 08​ to 2022 02 28
 Special Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance for Luminor Account Holders, valid from 2020 01 01 to 2020 09 07
 General Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance, valid from 2019 06 16 until 2021 06 15
 Insurance Intermediary Information Document, valid until 2020 09 13

Safe Card service

Terms and conditions of providing the card security service "Safe card", effective from 2018 08 01 to 2022 05 31

Luminor E-Commerce Gateway ​
E-Commerce Gateway Service Terms, effective from 2020 01 15 to 2020 04 13

Luminor | DNB archive

Bylaws of AB DNB bankas
Bylaws of AB DNB bankas

General Rules on the Provision of Services
 Effective from 2018 05 25 to 2019 01 01
 Effective from 2017 10 01 to 2017 05 24 
​ Effective from 2016 01 04 to 2017 09 30
​ Effective from 2014 07 21 to 2016 03 01
​ Effective from 2013 08 26 to 2014 07 20 
​ Effective from 2012 06 18 to 2013 08 25
​ Effective from 2006 05 12 to 2012 06 17, in Lithuanian

Payment Service Rules
Effective from 2017 10 01 to 2018 07 31
​ Effective from 2017 03 01 to 2017 09 30
​ Effective from 2017 02 01 to 2017 02 28, in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2016 11 01 to 2017 01 31, in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2016 04 01 to 2016 10 31 
​ Effective from 2016 02 29 to 2016 03 31in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2016 01 01 to 2016 02 28
​ Effective from 2013 08 26 to 2015 12 31
​ Effective from 2012 06 18 to 2013 08 25
​ Effective from 2010 03 08 to 2012 06 17, in Lithuanian

Credit Card Travel Insurance Rules
Effective from 2017 10 01 to 2018 09 30
​ Effective from 2017 07 01 to 2017 09 30 
​ Effective from 2017 02 01 to 2017 06 30, in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2016 07 01 to 2017 01 31, in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2015 05 01 until 2016 06 30, in Lithuanian

Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Payment Card Account to Private Individuals, in Lithuanian
Effective from 2018 09 03 to 2020 01 12
​ Effective from 2017 09 25 to 2018 09 02
​ Effective from 2016 11 01 to 2017 09 24
​ Effective from 2016 03 01 to 2016 10 31
​ Effective from 2016 02 01 to 2016 02 29

Casco Insurance Rules, in Lithuanian
​ Effective from 2015 12 01 to 2016 01 04
​ Effective until 2015 12 01

Trade Finance, in Lithuanian
​ Rules on Issuance of Guarantees effective from 2021 02 01 to 2022 10 31
​ Rules for Providing Bank Guarantees, effective from 2016 06 15
​ Letter of Credit Purchasing Rules, effective from 2016 01 04 to 2017 02 28
​ Letter of Credit Purchasing Rules, effective from 2017 03 01 to 2017 09 30

ERGO Skėtis Terms and Conditions, in Lithuanian
​ Loan Insurance “ERGO Skėtis” Terms and Conditions, effective until 2017 06 30
From 2017 02 06 the Mortgage Borrower Unit-linked Life Insurance was discontinued.
The endowment insurance “Make Your Child’s Dream Come True” was discontinued from 2017 02 06
​ Endowment Insurance “Make Your Child’s Dream Come True” Rules 

Payment Card Accident Insurance (in Lithuanian, discontinued from 2017 04 26)
​ Card Holder Accident Insurance Terms and Conditions
​ Mandatory information that must be provided by the insurance intermediary to customers

Personal insurance
 The special conditions for the personal insurance of account holders, valid until 2019 12 31
 The special conditions for the personal insurance of account holders, valid until 2019 01 01
 Insurance rules valid until 2018 06 15 on Lietuvos Draudimas website, in Lithuanian

Life insurance

​ ERGO Credit life insurance rules Nr. 026, in Lithuanian, effective from 2019 01 02 till 2023 05 31
​ Necessary relevant information for those entering into ERGO Credit life insurance contract to rules Nr.026, in Lithuanian, effective till 2023 05 31
 ERGO Credit life insurance pricelist to rules Nr.026, in Lithuanian, effective from 2021 02 01 till 2023 05 31
 ERGO Credit life insurance pricelist to rules Nr.026, in Lithuanian, effective till 2021 01 31
 Necessary relevant information for those entering into ERGO Credit life insurance contract to rules Nr. 024, in Lithuanian, effective till 2023 05 31
 ERGO Credit Life Insurance Rules Nr. 024, in Lithuanian, effective till 2023 05 31
 Ergo Credit life insurance pricelist to rules Nr. 024, in Lithuanian, effective till 2023 05 31

Rules for Servicing of Payment Cards
​ Rules for Servicing of Payment Cards valid until 2018 11 04, in Lithuanian

SMS Service
SMS service agreement, in Lithuanian

Luminor | Nordea archive

General Rules on the Provision of Services
Effective from 2018 08 01 to 2019 01 01
​ Effective from 2018 05 25 to 2018 07 31​
​ Effective from 2017 10 01 to 2018 05 24
​ Effective from 2016 11 01
​ Effective from 2016 07 01
​ Effective from 2015 12 01
​ Effective from 2015 01 01
​ Effective from 2014 04 01
​ Effective from 2013 10 07
​ Effective from 2012 06 25

Banking packages
Luminor | Nordea conditions of banking packages for private customers, effective from 2018 02 01 to 2018 07 31

Credit Card Travel Insurance Rules
Nordea Mastercard Credit Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 12 31
​ Nordea Mastercard Credit Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 11 30
​ Nordea Credit Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Nordea Mastercard Gold Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 12 31
​ Nordea Mastercard Gold Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 11 30
​ Nordea Gold Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Nordea PINS Mastercard Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 12 31
​ Nordea PINS Mastercard Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 11 30
​ Nordea PINS Mastercard Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Nordea Platinum Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 12 31
​ Nordea Platinum Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 11 30
​ Nordea Platinum Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Nordea Mastercard Business Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 12 31
​ Nordea Mastercard Business Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 11 30
​ Nordea Mastercard Business Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Nordea Travel Insurance Claim Form, effective to 2018 03 31

Nordea Cards Issuance and Usage Terms and Conditions
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard cards issuance and usage for private persons, effective to 2018 07 31
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard Platinum cards issuance and usage, effective to 2018 07 31
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard cards issuance and usage for corporate customers, effective to 2018 07 31
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard cards issuance and usage for private persons, effective to 2016 05 09
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard Platinum cards issuance and usage, effective to 2016 05 09
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard cards issuance and usage for corporate customers, effective to 2016 03 31
​ Description of the terms on Mastercard cards issuance and usage for corporate customers, effective to 2014 12 06
 Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Mastercard payment card Account to Private Individuals, effective from 2018 08 01
 Rules on Credit Limit Granting in the Mastercard payment card Account to Legal Entities, effective from 2018 08 01

Home Insurance Rules, in Lithuanian
​ Luminor | Nordea home insurance rules - insurer "IF", effective until 2017 09 30
​ Luminor | Nordea home insurance rules - insurer "IF", effective until 2014 10 01

Purchase Insurance
​ Nordea Mastercard Purhcase Protection Insurance Terms and Conditions, effective to 2018 03 31
​ Notification of Insurance Loss Associated with Mastercard Card Purchase, effective to 2018 03 31


Complaints and feedback Luminor Bank AS Lithuanian branch
Handling of customer complaints Luminor Lizingas UAB